

Purchased items will be shipped within 5 business days of when the item(s) was purchased. Please allow up to 1-2 weeks for delivery to arrive. If you still have not received your purchase after the estimated time, please notify


Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email containing a tracking number and link to track your package. If your tracking number is “not found,” please allow the courier time to pick up the package from our facility and scan it in.

For international orders, Priority Mail shipping takes up to 6-10 business days to arrive from the time your order is shipped out of our facility. Express mail will take about 3-5 business days from the time your order is shipped out of our facility.

**International orders are subject to Duties, Customs, and Value Added Taxes. These charges MUST be paid upon receipt of your order. Be sure to verify the additional cost that may have been incurred with the authorities of the country the order is being shipped to. City Fog Online Shop is not responsible for additional fees requested by the Mail Carrier or Customs.

USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex offers direct and reliable confirmation through their carriers whether a package has been successfully delivered to the correct address listed on your order. Therefore, we are able to ensure responsibility for your package from the time it has been shipped from our facility until the time it has been confirmed as being "delivered" to your designated address.